§ 30.04 HOME RULE.
   (A)   The town hereby adopts the Town “Home Rule” Ordinance, pursuant to I.C. 36-1-3-1 et seq.
   (B)   The town may exercise any power or perform any function necessary to the public interest in the conduct of its internal affairs, which is not prohibited by the State Constitution or the United States Constitution, or denied or preempted by any other law or is not vested by any other law in any other town, county or state entity, special purpose district or municipal or school corporation.
   (C)   The town shall support all actions, projects and programs in the public interest of its citizens, if those actions, projects and programs are authorized under “Home Rule” powers or the performance of those functions, are reasonable and practical under the circumstances.
   (D)   The Council may budget and appropriate funds to provide for town membership and the membership of town elected and appointed officials and members of its boards, councils, departments or agencies in local, regional, state and national associations of a civic, educational or governmental nature, which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of town operations.
   (E)   The Council may budget and appropriate funds to pay the expenses of duly authorized representatives to attend the meetings and functions of organizations to which the town belongs.
(Prior Code, § 30.04)