(a)   The owner of any dwelling or land upon which such dwelling is located hereinafter collectively referred to as the "premises", who enters into an agreement to sell or otherwise convey an interest therein, including, but not limited to, transfer of a premises by land installment contract, shall obtain from the Housing and Community Development Director a certificate of housing inspection by applying for said certificate to the Department of Housing and Community Development, and shall present such certificate or an exact copy thereof to the transferee, including, but not limited to the vendee or grantee or purchaser, of such interest prior to the time of transfer of title thereto and within reasonably sufficient time for any escrow agent or transferee to comply with these provisions.
   (b)   In the event the premises described in division (a) of this section is sold at sheriffs sale or other court-ordered auction, or is transferred from a mortgagor to a mortgagee in lieu of foreclosure, or similar transaction, and no certification of compliance has been issued within one year prior to such sale, the purchaser or transferee shall apply in writing to the Housing and Community Development Director within 30 days after the date of the sale or transfer for said certificate, and shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this chapter. The method of application and inspection is set forth in Sections 1488.02 and 1488.03 .
   (c)   This chapter shall not apply to the individual transfer of any premises through inheritance, or by gift between family members, or between members of the same household, where no bona fide sale or arms length transaction is intended or takes place, or to the sale, transfer, conveyance, or purchase of City-owned or privately-owned premises when the purchaser is an entity that has an agreement with the City under a City program to provide support for the purchase and the rehabilitation of such premises.
(Ord. 2019-65. Passed 11-4-2019.)