214.01 PURPOSE.
   In order to conduct City business in a more efficient manner, the City has granted authority to certain employees and officials to utilize City credit cards for certain purchases. The purpose of this policy is to comply with the mandates of H.B. 312 and R.C. §§ 9.21 and 717.31, and to set forth guidelines and procedures regarding the proper use of City credit cards. This policy is not intended to replace applicable state law but is intended to comply with current state laws and establish more efficient, clear guidelines for elected officials and other employees using City credit cards. Utilization of a City credit card for personal use, in an unauthorized manner, or for the purchase of any item or service not directly related to such official's or employee's public duty will constitute a violation of this policy, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, may violate R.C. § 2913.21, and, in some instances, could constitute a crime. Accordingly, all purchases made with a City credit card must be in accordance with these guidelines and state law.
(Ord. 2019-15. Passed 3-18-2019.)