The restrictions in Sections 1650.02 and 1650.03 shall not apply to:
   (a)   An entire room or hall which is being used for a private social function, provided that the seating arrangements are under the control of the sponsor of the function and not of the proprietor or person in charge of the place;
   (b)   A limousine for hire or taxicab, where the driver and all passengers affirmatively consent to smoking in such vehicle;
   (c)   Retail tobacco stores;
   (d)   A single room in an establishment;
      (1)   Such room is not normally used by members of the general public for the primary purpose of the establishment,
      (2)   Such room is enclosed by walls on all sides and openings adjacent to no-smoking areas are generally kept closed, and
      (3)   Such room occupies less than 20% of the total floor space of the establishment;
   (e)   A private work area, enclosed by floor-to-ceiling walls with appropriate openings for ingress and egress; which is occupied exclusively by smokers, even though such office may be visited by nonsmokers, provided that:
      (1)   This exemption shall not be permitted where it conflicts with the requirements in Section 1650.03 (c)(6), and
      (2)   This exemption shall not be construed to permit smoking in the reception areas of lobbies or offices;
   (f)   Private residences except those portions of a private residence used as a child-care or health-care or elderly care facility or serving as a place of employment.
   This section shall not be interpreted or construed to require proprietors or employers in charge of places within divisions (a) through (i) hereof to permit smoking therein.