In appeals to it, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall have authority to:
   (a)   Hear and decide any appeal where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement or determination made by the Building Commissioner in the enforcement of this Commercial Structures Maintenance Code.
   (b)   To allow or permit variations where there is practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of this Code, so long as the varying or modification of a requirement of this Code will be in harmony with its general purpose and intent, and the public health, safety and general welfare will be safeguarded and substantial justice done.
   (c)   Any interested party may appeal to Council any decision rendered by the Board of Zoning Appeals pursuant to this section by filing with the Clerk written notice of such appeal no later than ten days following the date on which the Board of Zoning Appeals renders its decision.
(1982 Code, § 1393.10) (Ord. 74-36. Passed 4-15-1974.)