(a)   There shall be at least one Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. or Factory Mutual Research Corp., approved portable fire extinguisher in the home which shall have a minimum rating of 2A 10BC. At least one fire extinguisher shall be located in the kitchen of the home.
   (b)   Portable extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged operable condition, and kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being used. Extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible and immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably they shall be located along normal paths of travel, including exits from areas.
   (c)   Upon discovery of a fire on the premises, the provider shall immediately notify the City Fire Division to request their assistance, even if a home fire extinguisher has been used to put out the fire.
(1982 Code, § 1380.10) (Ord. 91-12. Passed 3-4-1991.)