(a)   The provider shall be at least 18 years of age and have a minimum of six months reasonably demonstrable experience in caring for children (either as a parent or in another context including previous employment, on the job training center observations, volunteer service, in-service training, etc.)
   (b)   Firearms on the premises shall be unloaded and locked in a secure storage area and out of reach of children. (Handguns owners are required to register with the City.) Bullets shall be stored and locked in a secure storage area separate and apart from firearms and out of the reach of children. Possession or use by children of either firearms or bullets shall be prima facie negligence and cause for immediate revocation of any permits issued hereunder.
   (c)   Adequate adult staff shall be on duty, alert, awake, and in the facility at all times when children are present.
   (d)   Hours of operation. The hours of operation for child day-care centers shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
(1982 Code, § 1380.05) (Ord. 91-12. Passed 3-4-1991.)