Each dwelling unit in any multiple family dwelling, whether resulting from new construction or from remodeling or alteration of an existing multiple family dwelling shall contain at least the following rooms:
   (a)   One bedroom having a minimum habitable floor area of 120 square feet and a minimum width of eight feet.
   (b)   One other room having a minimum habitable floor area of 150 square feet and a minimum width of ten feet.
   (c)   The requirements of divisions (a) and (b) hereof shall be deemed to have been complied with if such dwelling unit contains an area of at least 230 square feet, having a minimum width of ten feet and designed for combined use as living and sleeping area.
   (d)   One kitchen, one breakfast room, or one kitchenette and breakfast room combined as one room, each of such rooms having a minimum habitable floor area of 50 square feet.
   (e)   One room providing toilet and bath facilities, containing at least a water closet, lavatory and tub or stall shower, the fixtures in which room shall be arranged so as to provide at least 90 degree door swing, and which room or rooms shall have a minimum width of at least four feet.
   (f)   The dwelling unit may also contain such closets, dressing rooms, entrance foyers and similar areas as may be incident to such dwelling unit. The areas or dimensions of any of these accessory spaces shall not be added to the areas or dimensions of any other rooms provided for in this section when calculating minimum areas or dimensions of the other rooms.
(1982 Code, § 1385.03) (Ord. 66-93. Passed 1-16-1967.)