(a)   Exterior property areas of all premises shall be kept free of any debris, object, material or condition which may create a health, accident or fire hazard, or which is a public nuisance, or which constitutes a blighting or deteriorating influence on the neighborhood. Lawns, landscaping, trees and driveways shall also be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect in the neighborhood.
(Ord. 66-93. Passed 1-16-1967.)
   (b)   Composting of organic landscape material shall be limited to rear yards and shall be located a minimum of ten feet from any structure or side property line and five feet from any rear property line subject to the following additional requirements:
      (1)   Areas used for composting shall not exceed 50 square feet and contained in material approved by the Superintendent of Service not exceeding three feet in height.
      (2)   Composting material shall be turned at time intervals not exceeding two weeks and shall not emit odors perceivable from neighboring properties.
      (3)   Composting material shall be strictly limited to vegetation and yard waste and shall not include meat, fowl, bone material and dairy products.
(Ord. 97-47. Passed 6-16-1997.)
   (c)   Paving shall be confined to driveways, stairways and walks of a dwelling and/or garage. It is the intention of this chapter that the maximum amount of landscaping be maintained around each dwelling, and no paving for driveways or for parking or storing vehicles of any kind shall be extended beyond the original plan. Upon permit duly issued, a driveway or apron may be widened where necessary in the opinion of the Building Commissioner, not to exceed the width of the garage front elevation. The driveway apron flare, at the curb, may be widened by four feet on both sides, then narrowing back to the existing width of the driveway at the sidewalk. Certain requirements are applicable and are available from the Division of Building Engineering and Inspection. Any further variance shall be referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals at its next regular meeting.
(1982 Code, § 1379.24) (Ord. 01-06. Passed 2-5-2001.)