(a)   "Contractor" includes any person or persons and/or entity, corporate or otherwise, which undertakes to act generally as a general contractor, tradesman, dealer, remodeler or repairman, or to act as a subcontractor or agent for any contractor, tradesman, dealer, remodeler or repairman for the purpose of furnishing or providing labor and/or materials, for any construction, generally governed, defined or referred to in Ohio R.C. 715.27 et seq. or whose "work" as defined in division (c) herein, is governed by the Ohio Building Code and/or the Building, Housing, Planning or Zoning Codes of the City.
   (b)   "Risk" means any risk to safety of persons or property, including, but not limited to, structural, electric, plumbing or sewer repairs, alterations or construction.
(Ord. 89-45. Passed 11-6-89.)
   (c)   "Work" means providing labor with or without materials or providing labor and materials which the owner and/or contractor knows or reasonably should know is subject to or requires the issuance of a permit by the City to perform electrical or plumbing or sewer or structural construction, or which otherwise requires construction costs to be paid to a "contractor", as defined in division (a) hereof.
(1982 Code, § 1321.01) (Ord. 97-65. Passed 11-3-1997.)