(a)   Area Usage and Frontage Regulations. The ground area shall be a separately owned lot as platted or replatted on City and County maps and occupied by buildings which shall not exceed 25% of the total area of the lot. Not less than 50% of the total lot area shall be developed as planted areas.
      (1)   Minimum area of the lot shall be:
         •   Senior housing and care facilities    4 acres
         •   Office, research and hightech production facilities    10 acres
         •   All other permitted uses    3 acres
      (2)   Minimum lot frontage shall be 150 feet.
      (3)   The portion of the site which is not covered with buildings and parking shall be developed as planted areas and landscaped as specified by Section 1274.03.
   (b)   Yard Regulations.
      (1)   Front. The front yard shall be not less than 75 feet in depth or not less in depth than the setback building line designated for the district on the zoning map and shall remain unoccupied except for a driveway for ingress and egress.
      (2)   Side and rear. Each lot shall have side and rear yards unoccupied by buildings, equal to the height of the main building except adjacent to a U-1, U-2 or U-4 District where such yards of not less than 50 feet shall be required. Rear and side yards may include accessory uses as permitted in division (c)(2) hereof.
   (c)   Use of Yards for Accessory Off-Street Parking and Loading.
      (1)   Front. No off-street parking or loading shall be permitted in the required front yard setback except for passenger loading and unloading. Where offstreet parking is behind the setback line and is buffered from view according to Section 1274.03, the Planning Commission may permit not more than 10% of the required parking spaces in front of the main building.
      (2)   Side and rear. Accessory off-street parking, loading or driveways shall be permitted no closer than ten feet from a side or rear property line or 30 feet from a U-1, U-2 or U-4 District. This area shall be a landscaped buffer, with screening provided according to Section 1274.03.
   (d)   Height Regulations. Height of buildings (exclusive of towers, steeples, cornices, antennas, or similar features as approved by Council) shall not exceed the following:
      (1)   Thirty-five feet when set back 50 feet from side or rear property lines.
      (2)   Forty-five feet when set back 100 feet from side or rear property lines.
   (e)   Frontage and Location Regulations.
      (1)   Subject to all other provisions of this chapter, special use permits may be permitted only on land fronting on the following streets: Cedar Road, Warrensville Center Road, South Taylor Road, Fairmount Boulevard, North Park Boulevard, Green Road.
      (2)   A special use permit may be issued by the Planning Commission for land fronting on other streets where the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the use will benefit and not impair surrounding property values or uses, vehicular parking and pedestrian congestion or traffic conditions, noise pollution and will not be otherwise contrary to the public health, safety or welfare, subject to the approval of a majority of Council.
   (f)   Prohibitions. Except for existing approved uses,
      (1)   No building may be used for the uses defined in this chapter unless originally designed and approved for such use.
      (2)   The conversion of a residence, store or other building, for a use defined in Section 1274.01 is prohibited.
      (3)   All uses defined in Section 1274.01 must have frontage on one of the streets referred to in division (e) hereof.
      (4)   No use permitted herein shall include sleeping or residential use accommodations on any part of the site.
      (5)   No variance from any of the requirements or prohibitions under Chapter 1274 may be granted without the approval of the Planning Commission and the approval of Council, each following public hearings at which the applicant demonstrates a clear benefit to the community and that denial will result in an unnecessary hardship to the applicant.
(1982 Code, § 1124.02) (Ord. 99-45. Passed 12-20-1999.)