(a)   "Parking areas" as used herein shall include parking lots and/or open parking structures.
   (b)   Open parking structures (as defined in Section 1240.06) shall be limited to three levels or a maximum of 35 feet in height, not including stairtowers or penthouses or limited architectural features which combined shall not exceed ten feet above such 35 feet and which additional height shall be subject to the approval of Council. All parking structures shall be set back as required for buildings, except as otherwise provided by ordinance or permitted by Council after consideration by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Open parking structures shall be permitted only in the following districts: University-College District U-5 (Chapter 1258), Office Building District U-6 (Chapter 1260), Local Retail District U-7 (Chapter 1262), Shopping Center District U-8 (Chapter 1264), and Mixed Use District U-9 (Chapter 1270), provided that all other criteria and limitations are met.
(Ord. 92-02. Passed 6-15-1992.)
   (d)   Any required off-street car parking area other than for dwellings and any parking lot permitted under this Zoning Code shall comply with the following conditions: the driveways and parking spaces are smoothly graded, paved with asphalt or concrete surface and adequately drained; surface waters are not permitted to discharge over or onto public sidewalks or roadways or onto other premises; lighting is reflected away from adjacent residence areas and so arranged as to cause no annoying glare. Parking lots in business districts shall be lighted whenever open for business.
   (e)   Wherever a parking lot or driveway thereto adjoins a residential district, such parking lot or driveways thereto shall be separated from the residence district by a solid masonry wall, or by other effective sightly screening as approved by the Planning Commission. The height of such wall shall be determined by the Planning Commission.
   (f)   On any street frontage there shall be not over one access driveway per 150 feet of such street frontage, such access driveway not to exceed 24 feet in width at the sidewalk, and the remainder of such frontage shall be so protected by a curb or barrier, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, that vehicles cannot enter or leave the lot except at such access driveway. However, the Planning Commission may vary the distance between driveways and vary the widths thereof where it determines that same cannot reasonably be complied with and the variance does not adversely affect the character and value of surrounding property.
(1982 Code, § 1123.04) (Ord. 66-85. Passed 11-7-1966.)