The following regulations shall apply to all districts, subject, however, to such of the regulations of Chapters 1244, 1276 and 1280 as are pertinent to this chapter.
   (a)   No building shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved onto another lot unless the requirements herein for off-street parking and off street loading spaces are fulfilled. No existing building shall be altered or added to and no change shall be made in the use of a building or premises that will increase the number of parking spaces needed for the occupants, employees, patrons, client or guests thereof, or that will increase the volume of loading operations, unless the required number of off-street parking and loading spaces for such increased need and at least one-fourth of any existing deficiency in such spaces are provided.
   (b)   Any required parking spaces for a building or use that are provided on adjacent land, where such arrangement is permitted under this Zoning Code, shall be allocated to the exclusive use of such building or premises during its normal hours of activity or operation and the right to such exclusive use shall be officially recorded as a limitation upon such adjacent land, such limitation to continue in effect as long as the requirement under this Zoning Code exists.
(1982 Code, § 1123.01) (Ord. 56-53. Passed 10-1-1956.)