(a)   Determination of Nonconformity. Any sign which does not conform to this ordinance on its effective date shall be deemed a nonconforming sign use.
   (b)   Authority to Continue Nonconforming-Sign Uses. Any nonconforming sign which was erected and in place pursuant to City Permit on the effective date of this ordinance may continue to be allowed only in accordance with the following regulations:
      (1)   Repairs. Ordinary repairs and maintenance and nonstructural alterations may be made upon a nonconforming sign. No structural alterations shall be made in, to or upon a nonconforming sign, except to conform to this chapter.
      (2)   Additions and enlargements. No addition or enlargement shall be made to a nonconforming sign except in order to make such sign conform to this chapter.
      (3)   Removing or moving. Authority to continue a nonconforming sign use shall terminate upon the removal or moving of a nonconforming sign and installation of such sign in any other location in the City is prohibited.
      (4)   Restoration of damaged nonconforming signs. Authority to continue a nonconforming sign use shall terminate, upon damage or destruction by a fire, natural catastrophe or other cause for which the cost of restoration is likely to exceed 60% of the original cost of such sign as reflected on the original sign permit, or for which there will be structural alterations.
      If such damage or destruction is likely to cost less than 60% of said original cost, a permit to restore shall be obtained and work shall commence within six months of such damage or destruction and diligently pursued to completion.
      (5)   Discontinuance of use of nonconforming signs.
         A.   Such nonconforming sign shall be removed upon discontinuance of use of a nonconforming sign for 30 days or more.
         B.   Such nonconforming sign shall be removed 30 days after the business, use or identity associated with the nonconforming sign use terminates or substantially and materially changes.
      (6)   Sunset provision as to nonconforming uses. All nonconforming signs shall be removed by January 1, 2003, and may thereafter be altered, remodeled or replaced only in conformity with this chapter.
      The foregoing shall not apply to any sign, graphic or numeral display embossed, etched, engraved or otherwise integrated into the original building's masonry architecture provided the same is maintained as originally designed.
      (7)   Any appeal from this provision shall be filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals before July 1, 1999. Neither costs of compliance, mere inconvenience, nor uniformity within an applicant's company shall be considered by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a hardship; however, the Board of Zoning Appeals may consider difficulties due to: (i) topography, (ii) architecture and site lines, (iii) proximity to any sidewalk or roadway.
(1982 Code, § 1120.13) (Ord. 97-05. Passed 12-15-1997; Ord. 99-04. Passed 3-1-1999.)