(a)   No other signs are permitted in the City except as authorized and provided for in this chapter.
   (b)   Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the following signs that meet the following standards are permitted in the City:
      (1)   Exterior signs that are weatherproof.
      (2)   Duration.
         A.    Permanent signs.
         B.    Temporary signs.
      (3)   Content. Specific content of signs shall not be considered (See Section 1270.03(b)), but is subject to limited regulation in residential districts.
      (4)   Location, In U-3, U-5, U-6, U-7 and U-8 Districts signs may be placed in store windows, upon building walls, upon free standing walls, including fascia, at ground level and/or on accent banners.
(1982 Code, § 1120.04) (Ord. 97-05. Passed 12-15-1997.)