1260.01 PURPOSES.
   (a)   Office Building Districts and regulations are established to promote convenience, welfare and prosperity of the community. More specific purposes are:
      (1)   To provide opportunities for local employment close to residential areas, thus reducing travel to and from work;
      (2)   To provide convenient, modern office buildings in landscaped settings;
      (3)   To provide, adjacent to residential neighborhoods, appropriate districts for uses which do not generate large volumes of traffic, do not have large off-street parking requirements or otherwise create traffic congestion;
      (4)   To promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan and to stabilize and enhance property values.
   (b)   In an Office Building District, buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall hereafter be erected, altered, moved or maintained only as set forth in this chapter.
(1982 Code, § 1117.01) (Ord. 56-53. Passed 10-1-1956.)