(a)   Area Regulations. The area or parcel of land for a permitted university-college educational facility shall be not less than required to provide a site for the main and accessory buildings, parking and other accessory uses, yards and open spaces to accommodate the facility and to maintain the character of the neighborhood in accord with the following general criteria:
      (1)   The buildings shall not cover more than 20% of the total land area, provided however, that stadia or other such open seating facilities, as well as open parking structures, shall not be counted in computing the coverage.
      (2)   Surface parking areas, open parking structures and drives shall not exceed 25%.
      (3)   The remainder shall be landscaped, of which remainder not more than 50% may be used for outside recreational purposes.
   (b)   Yard Regulations.
      (1)   Front yards. The setback for buildings shall be not less than established for the street on which the development is to be located as shown on the Zone Map. Open parking structures (as defined in Section 1240.06) shall be limited to three levels or a maximum of 35 feet in height, not including stairtowers or penthouses or limited architectural features which combined shall not exceed ten feet above such 35 feet and which additional height shall be subject to the approval of Council, must be set back not less than 25 feet from the property line. All parking structures greater in height shall be set back as required for buildings as regulated pursuant to Section 1258.04. Surface parking areas and drives, excluding entrances and exits, must be set back not less than 25 feet from the property line, and landscaping sufficient to effectively screen the parked automobiles from view must be provided and may be included in the setback.
      (2)   Side and rear yards. Side and rear yards of the property in the University-College District shall be not less than the following from an adjoining residential district:
   Minimum Yard of Adjoining
   Main Buildings and Uses    Residential District (feet)
   Dormitories, class rooms,
   auditoriums, lunch rooms
   and book stores    50
   Laundry and heating plants    100
   Stadia    100
   Recreational Areas    40
      (3)   Illumination. Flood lighting and illumination shall be located and designed so as to shield the light source from every adjoining residential district.
      (4)   Driveways and parking areas for any of the above uses, shall be located not less than 26 feet from an adjoining residential district line.
      (5)   Height regulations. The main institutional buildings and their components, such as penthouses, water tanks and other mechanical appurtenances located upon or constituted as an integral part of such building may be built to a height not to exceed 60 feet.
      (6)   Architectural features. Chimneys, spires, cupolas, towers, flagpoles, radio or television antennae, monuments and similar architectural features when erected as an integral part of a building shall conform to and be permitted as provided by Section 1280.02.
(1982 Code, § 1122.03) (Ord. 69-78. Passed 4-6-1970; Ord. 92-02. Passed 6-15-1992; Ord. 92-28. Passed 6-1-1992; Ord. 93-04. Passed 3-1-1993.)