(a)   Any decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be a final appealable order and the applicant may seek judicial review of such administrative action in any court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to general law.
   (b)   Any person affected and aggrieved by a decision of the City Planning Commission made pursuant to this Zoning Code may appeal such decision to Council within 20 days of the published decision of the City Planning Commission. Such appeal shall be in writing, shall set forth reasons for the appeal and be filed in triplicate with a filing fee of $25.00, with the Finance Director, who shall forward one copy to the secretary of the City Planning Commission and one copy to the Building Commissioner. A member of Council may appeal as a matter of general public interest, and in such case no filing fee shall be required. Council shall hear both sides of the issue in public and give its decision within a reasonable period of time.
   (c)   No appeal or action under R.C. Chapter 2506 et seq. or any other proceeding in Common Pleas Court shall be permitted regarding any claim under Part 12 or Part 14 of the Codified Ordinances until after timely presentation to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(Ord. 2017-52. Passed 1-2-2018.)