1242.01 PURPOSES.
   (a)   There is hereby established a comprehensive zoning plan for the City, which plan is set forth in the sections and maps that constitute this Zoning Code. The plan is adopted for the protection and promotion of the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and the general welfare, having in mind, among other things, the fact that the City is essentially a residential community of relatively small total area, that it is not crossed by any railroad or State or Federal highway, that it is a part of a large metropolitan area which affords to the population of University Heights opportunity for employment and for conveniently obtaining commercial and industrial services, and that the City is important to this metropolitan area as a residential community.
   (b)   The more particular purposes of this comprehensive zoning plan are to guide the future development of the City in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the most beneficial land use and population density; to promote the social and economic stability of neighborhoods; to protect and conserve land and building values; minimize conflicts in the uses of neighboring property and bring about gradual conformity to the comprehensive plan; to reduce or avoid the need for general traffic flow on local residential streets, especially truck traffic; to insure adequate open space between buildings, especially for residential occupancy; to provide a guide for public policy and action in the economical provision of public facilities and services and for related public needs, and a guide for private enterprise in building development, investment and other economic activity relating to the uses of land and buildings.
   (c)   For the accomplishment of these purposes, the City is divided into appropriate districts, and within each district land, buildings and structures are regulated as to uses for trade, industry, residence and other purposes, as to height, number of stories and size of buildings and structures, setback building lines, area of yards and other open spaces, and proportion of lot that may be occupied, and as to density of population.
(1982 Code, § 1103.01) (Ord. 56-53. Passed 10-1-1956.)