(a)   "Height of building" means the vertical distance to the level of the highest point of the roof surface if the roof is flat or inclines not more than one foot vertical in one foot horizontal, or to the mean level between the eaves and the highest point of the roof if the roof is of any other type measured as follows:
      (1)   If the building is located at the front property line or is not more than ten feet distant therefrom, measured at the center of the front wall of the building from the established street grade; if no grade has been officially established, from the elevation of the existing curb; if no grade has been officially established and no curb exists, measured from the average level of the finished ground surface across the front of the building.
      (2)   If the building is more than ten feet from the front property line, measured from the average level of the finished ground surface adjacent to the exterior wall of the building.
   (b)   "Height of a structure" other than a building, means the vertical distance to the highest point of the structure, measured from the established street grade of the nearest street if the structure is located within ten feet of a street line; if farther from a street line, or if there is no established grade, then measured from the average level of the finished ground surface adjacent to the structure.
(1982 Code, § 1101.14) (Ord. 56-53. Passed 10-1-1956.)