No part of the cost and expense of any inspection required herein, shall be borne by the City, except as it may become a part of total costs of any improvement or project, whose cost is borne by the City in whole or in part. Whenever any work requiring a City Inspector is undertaken by the City, then the Director of Finance shall include such inspection fees as a part of the cost of the entire project to be paid for by the City or to be assessed; if, however, the work is to be performed between private persons, then no work shall be begun until the persons requiring such work, shall deposit with the Director of Finance an amount of money sufficient to pay any inspection fees required on such project. The amount of such deposit shall be estimated by the City Engineer; and upon completion of the work or activity, any excess shall be returned to the person making such deposit or his authorized agent. If, however, the deposit for inspection shall not be large enough to cover all inspection work provided for herein, then such work or activity shall be stopped by the City Engineer until additional money is deposited to cover the inspections required herein.
(1982 Code, § 901.07) (Ord. 56-49. Passed 8-20-1956.)