Sidewalks, Driveways And Tree Lawns
1060.01   Inspection by Building Commissioner and/or the Director of Housing and Community Development.
1060.02   Notice to owner or occupant to repair.
1060.03   Repair by owner or occupant.
1060.04   Maintenance of exterior property areas.
1060.05   Driveway permits.
1060.06   Driveway specifications.
1060.07   Specifications for concrete work.
1060.08   Specifications for asphaltic installations.
1060.09   Responsibility of contractor.
1060.10   Sidewalk permits.
1060.99   Penalty.
   Driving on sidewalk and tree lawn - see TRAF. 432.24
   Parking on sidewalk and tree lawn - see TRAF. 452.03(a)
   Obstructing driveways - see TRAF. 452.03(b)
   Sidewalks - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 660, 668