(a)   Any dry cleaning and/or laundry establishment shall be located only in a single-story building and no part of such building shall be used for residence purposes, before or after installation of equipment.
   (b)   The cleaning solvent used shall be of the nonflammable and nontoxic type. Maximum allowable concentration value (MAC) of solvent such as perchlorethylene shall be 200 PM.
   (c)   Only machines approved by the American Insurance Association or the National Fire Protection Association shall be permitted.
   (d)   All machines shall be installed in such a manner that the public has access to the machines only through the loading doors.
   (e)   All machines shall be fitted with a device which shall prevent the opening of the loading door while such machine is in operation, and shall be constructed so that a power failure or malfunction of such machine shall cause it to stop in a safe position. The loading door shall not be operable in the event of power failure.
   (f)   All machines shall be properly grounded and all main power switches and wiring shall be located behind the machine enclosure inaccessible to the public. Each dry cleaning machine shall be provided with its own electrical circuit.
   (g)   All establishments shall be operated under the direct supervision of the owner, manager or employee of same who shall be in constant attendance during the hours such business is open to the public. Attendants must be at least 21 years of age.
   (h)   A utility fire extinguisher of either the carbon dioxide or dry chemical type must be provided in each establishment.
   (i)   The dry cleaning equipment shall be provided with an exhaust system capable of maintaining a minimum of one hundred feet per minute velocity through the loading door when open. Exhaust ducts and stacks shall be installed in each establishment and shall be of sufficient capacity to assure the protection of the public, and exhaust fans shall be wired in such a manner as to operate at any time the machines are in use. A supply of make-up air equal to or greater than the volume exhausted shall be provided to eliminate the possibility of negative pressure conditions. The ventilation system shall exhaust to the outside atmosphere, through the roof, and exhaust outlets shall not be closer than 25 feet to any opening of any building or within 100 feet of a residential dwelling. All exhaust ducts shall be sealed by soldering or taping the joints and shall discharge five feet above the roof.
   (j)   Bulk solvent for dry cleaning machines shall be stored in closed containers and shall be transferred from the containers in a line free from leaks. Storage of solvent in customer areas is prohibited. Filter residue and other residue containing solvent shall be disposed of so as not to create a health hazard or nuisance. A covered metal container shall be used for temporary storage of such residue outside the building.
   (k)   All dry cleaning establishments shall prominently display indoor signs warning the general public of the dangers of excessive solvent vapor inhalation and skin irritation from the unevaporated dry cleaning solvent, and advising as to remedies.
   (l)   Spotting of garments with flammable solvents is prohibited.
   (m)   The proprietor or attendant on the premises is responsible to make certain the clothing which cannot be properly cleaned and dried shall not be placed in the dry cleaning machines.
   (n)   A floor plan indicating the layout of the machines shall be presented to the Building Commissioner for his or her inspection as to structural safety requirements.