(a)   In order to cover the costs of administrative processing there shall be a fee of $5.00.
   (b)   The permit shall set forth and restrict the time and location of such garage or other residential sale. No more than one such permit may be issued to one residence during any period of six consecutive months.
   (c)   No garage or other residential sale shall be permitted except between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., nor for more than three consecutive days.
   (d)   (1)   If a garage or other residential sale is not held on the dates for which the permit is issued or is terminated during the first day of the sale because of inclement weather conditions, and an affidavit by the permit holder to this effect is submitted, the Safety Director may issue another permit to the applicant for the garage sale to be conducted at the same location within 30 days from the date when the first sale was to be held. This shall be considered to be a substitute permit as though the first permit had never been issued. No additional permit fee is required.
      (2)   A second garage or other residential sale shall be permitted less than six months after a previous sale if satisfactory proof of a bonafide change in ownership of the real property to a person who had not previously been a resident of the home is first presented to the Safety Director or his duly authorized representative.
      (3)   A sale for the purpose of liquidating the family holdings prior to moving from the residence shall be allowed as a second sale if such sale is conducted by a professional liquidator and the Safety Director is satisfied that the family actually does intend to vacate the premises or already has vacated the premises.
   (e)   Before issuing a permit, the Director of Public Safety or his authorized representative may conduct such investigation as he or she deems necessary to determine if there is compliance with the terms of this chapter and if future compliance may reasonably be expected.
(1982 Code, § 721.05) (Ord. 76-96. Passed 6-20-1977; Ord. 78-49. Passed 6-5-1978.)