An application shall be submitted to the City Administrator on forms provided by the city and with narrative explanation and plans sufficient to determine compliance with city requirements and any other applicable requirements. An application may include, or be required to include, a traffic analysis, environmental report, or other professional report pertaining to conditions specific to the property or the proposed development (see O.R.S. 227.178 and § 155.194).
   (A)   Review for completeness. Within 30 days of receiving the application, the City Administrator shall review the application to determine whether all documents and plans necessary for review of the application have been submitted. If all required and necessary documents and plans have been submitted, a notice shall be provided to the applicant stating that the application has been declared complete and identifying a tentative date for public hearing. The date of the notice of complete application is the beginning date for the 120-day period in which the city must reach a final local decision. If all required and necessary documents and plans have not been submitted, a notice shall be provided to the applicant stating that the application is not complete, identifying the documents, plans, and any other information necessary to make the application complete for review, and noting that all information must be provided within 180 days from the date that the application was filed or the application will be deemed withdrawn, with no further action take by the city. The applicant may, in a written response, refuse to provide the requested additional information and request that the city proceed with review of the application.
   (B)   Decision and final order. The decision-maker, whether Planning Commission or City Council, shall adopt a decision and final order which will identify the facts and conclusions upon which the decision is based, consistent with § 155.122 and additional requirements of this section. A notice of decision shall be mailed to the applicant and other parties, with the following information:
      (1)   Applicable criteria and standards;
      (2)   A statement of facts as determined by the hearing body;
      (3)   The reasons for the conclusion to approve or deny the application; and
      (4)   A statement identifying the procedure for an appeal of the decision.
(Ord. 509, passed 2-11-2008)