§ 100.07 EXEMPTIONS.
   Sounds caused by the following are exempt from the prohibitions set out in § 100.06 and are in addition to the exemptions specifically set forth in § 100.06:
   (A)   Motor vehicles on traffic ways of the city, provided that the prohibition of § 100.06(B) continues to apply.
   (B)   Repairs of utility structures which pose a clear and immediate danger to life, health, or significant loss of property.
   (C)   Sirens, whistles, or bells lawfully used by emergency vehicles, or other alarm systems used in case of fire, collision, civil defense, police activity, or imminent danger, provided that the prohibition contained in § 100.06(D) continues to apply.
   (D)   The emission of sound for the purpose of alerting persons to the existence of an emergency or the emission of sound in the performance of emergency work.
   (E)   Repairs or excavations of bridges, streets or highways by or on behalf of the city, the state, or the federal government, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., when public welfare and convenience renders it impractical to perform the work between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
   (F)   Outdoor school and playground activities. Reasonable activities conducted on public playgrounds and public or private school grounds, which are conducted in accordance with the manner in which such spaces are generally used, including but not limited to, school athletic and school entertainment events.
   (G)   Other outdoor events. Outdoor gatherings, public dances, shows and sporting events, and other similar outdoor events, provided that a permit has been obtained from the appropriate permitting authority.
   (H)   Land use zoning regulations commercial amusement is intended for public and private organizational amusement, cultural or recreation use; typically included; civic centers, fairgrounds, rodeo arenas, golf courses, athletic fields or complexes, festivals and similar exhibitions.
(Ord. 548, passed 11-14-2015)