(A)   A Historic District Commission shall consist of seven persons residing in the village; provided, however, that at least two members shall be selected from a list of citizens recommended for appointment by a majority vote of duly organized and existing historical preservation society or societies; and provide further, that one member shall be an architect duly registered in the state and residing in the village, if such person is available for appointment.
   (B)   Members shall be appointed by the Village President.
   (C)   Members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of three years, except the initial appointments of some of the members shall be for less than three years to the end that the initial appointments shall be staggered so that all subsequent appointments shall not be successive terms.
   (D)   In the event of a vacancy on the Commission, an interim appointment may be made to unexpired term in the same manner as for an original appointment.
   (E)   The Village President or a Council member designated by him or her, the Chairperson of the Planning Commission of his or her designate, the Village Superintendent, and the Building Official shall be ex officio members of the Commission. The Commission may appoint no more than six additional persons as ex officio members, who need not be residents of the village, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. Ex officio members shall have the right to participate in the deliberation of all matters considered by the Commission, but shall not have the right to vote nor shall they be counted as members for any purpose.
(2005 Code, § 271.003) (Ord. passed 5-10-1967)