(A)   Title. This section shall be known as the “Disorderly Conduct Ordinance” and it shall be deemed sufficient in any actions for the enforcement of the provisions hereof to define the same by such short title and by reference to the number hereof.
(2005 Code, § 103.001)
   (B)   Disorderly persons; punishment. Any person who shall be a disorderly person within the terms of this section, or who shall engage in any acts of disorderly conduct shall be punished as hereinafter provided.
   (C)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      DISORDERLY PERSON. The following persons shall be deemed DISORDERLY PERSONS:
         (a)   Any common prostitute, or any person employed in, or found in any house of prostitution or ill fame or place where prostitution or lewdness is practiced, encouraged, or allowed, or in any house of assignation, or the keeper or proprietor of such a place, or the owner of property who shall knowingly permit such property to be used for such a place, or any person who shall solicit for any such place, or who shall solicit for any common prostitute, or who shall attempt to procure the commission by another or by others of any act of illicit intercourse or lewdness;
         (b)   Any person who shall intentionally exhibit himself or herself in any place of entertainment, or in any public place, or to the public view, indecently clad or in the nude, or who shall engage in any indecent, immoral, or obscene conduct in such places, or shall make any indecent or open exposure of his or her person or of the person of another;
         (c)   Any window peeper, or any person who shall designedly molest, assault, or interfere with the person, or the safety, comfort, and repose of any person, in any public place, or any person who shall tamper with, or commit an act of destruction upon the property of another, in any public place;
         (d)   Any person who shall have in his or her possession, or shall sell or offer for sale, import, or purchase any book, pamphlet, picture, printed matter, film, photo, or other article containing indecent or obscene language, pictures, description, or writings tending to corrupt the public morals;
         (e)   Any person who shall use indecent, obscene, immoral, or profane language in any public place;
         (f)   Any person who shall be drunk or intoxicated in any public place, and any person who shall imbibe any intoxicating liquor including beer and wine, in any public place not licensed to sell such liquor for consumption on the premises;
         (g)   Any beggar, or vagrant, or any person found loitering in or about any public place, without having any apparent means of support or without being able to give any sensible or satisfactory account of himself or herself;
         (h)   Any person who shall enter the house or upon the premises of another to obtain food, lodging, clothing, money, or any other property of another, without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof; or enter the house or upon the premises of another to menace, threaten injury, or put any person in fear, except in the performance of some lawful business or duty;
         (i)   Any person who shall operate any gaming place or place where gambling or gaming is permitted, or who shall have in his or her possession any gambling equipment, or gaming table, cards, dice, policy slips, lottery tickets, or other devices commonly used for gambling purposes and any other who shall be found in, or who shall frequent any place where gambling is permitted, and the owner or occupant of any premises who shall aforemention, or any person who shall have in his or her possession in any public place, any slot machine or any unlicensed amusement device; or
         (j)   Any person found unnecessarily shoving or jostling people in any public place, and any person who shall create any disturbance in any public place, or who shall create a disturbance in any private place which shall result in any annoyance to the immediate neighborhood, or who shall in any way cause a breach of the peace.
(2005 Code, § 103.002)
      PUBLIC PLACE. The term PUBLIC PLACE or PLACE as used herein shall mean any building, alley, street, house, hall, church, room, or other place to which the public has access.
(2005 Code, § 103.004)
   (D)   Impeding free passage of persons; public disturbances; prohibited. No person or persons shall collect, stand in crowds, or remain loitering in, on or about any streets or other public places so as to hinder the free and uninterrupted passage of other persons, nor hinder or impede the free access to and departure from any public hall, or place of entertainment or worship, nor shall any person commit any act or acts constituting a disturbance, public quarrel, or riot, nor aid or abet in the omission of such act or acts, nor shall any persons riotously congregate or assemble in the village.
(2005 Code, § 103.004)
   (E)   Acts of disorderly conduct. Actual commission of any of the acts aforementioned shall be deemed acts of disorderly conduct within the provisions of this section.
(2005 Code, § 103.005)
   (F)   Effective date. This section shall take effect immediately after the passage upon publication thereof.
(2005 Code, § 103.009)
(Ord. 3-57, passed 12-9-1957) Penalty, see § 130.99