Street Obstructions
91.01 Obstructions prohibited; time limit; exceptions
91.02 Signs, awning; permission required; height
91.03 Destruction prohibited
91.04 Guns, fireworks
91.05 Advertisements on streets, sidewalks prohibited
91.06 Leaves, sticks, and other refuse
91.07 Authorized village officials
91.20 Supervision of work
91.21 Resolution; estimates
91.22 Assessment districts
91.23 Sealed proposals
91.24 Sureties
91.25 Contract
91.26 Levying assessment
91.27 Prima facie evidence
91.28 Repairing without evidence
Sidewalks and Crosswalks
91.40 Amendments
91.41 Definitions
91.42 Construction
91.43 Maintenance
91.44 Repair
91.45 Removal of snow and ice
91.46 Notice
91.47 Permit; required, application, and revocation
91.48 Line and grade
91.49 Specifications
91.50 Inspections
91.51 Work done by village
91.52 Effective date
91.65 Regulations
91.99 Penalty