(A) The city of Union City hereby re-establishes the Cumulative Capital Development Fund beginning in the year 2011.
(B) The ad valorem property tax levy will continue with the revenues from the levy being retained in the Cumulative Capital Development Fund.
(C) The maximum rate of levy under division (B) of this section will not exceed $.05 per $100 of assessed valuation each year.
(D) The funds accumulated in the Cumulative Capital Development Fund will be used for:
(1) Capital improvements as described in I.C. 36-9-16-2.
(2) Capital improvements as described in I.C. 36-9-16-3.
(3) Capital improvements as described in I.C. 36-9-16.5-2.
(4) Capital improvements as described in I.C. 36-9-17.
(5) Capital improvements as described in I.C. 36-10-3-21.
(E) Notwithstanding division (D) of this section, funds accumulated in the Cumulative Capital Development Fund may be spent for purposes other than the purposes stated in division (D), if the purpose is to protect the public health, welfare or safety in an emergency situation which demands immediate action. Money may be spent under the authority of this section only after the Mayor issues a declaration that the public health, welfare or safety is in immediate danger that requires the expenditure of money in the fund.
(F) This fund takes effect upon approval of the Department of Local Government Finance.
(Ord. 2010-09, passed 7-26-10)
(A) The Mayor Promotional Fund is hereby established. The Common Council is authorized to budget and appropriate funds from the General Fund or from other funds to pay the expenses incurred in promoting the betterment of the municipality.
(B) Expenditures from this Fund may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
(1) Membership dues in local, regional, state, and national associations of a civic, educational, or governmental nature, which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of municipal operations.
(2) Direct expenses for travel, meals, and lodging in conjunction with municipal business or meetings or organizations to which the municipality belongs.
(3) Expenses incurred in the promotion of economic or industrial development for the municipality, including meeting room rental, decorations, meals, and travel.
(4) Commemorative plaques, certificates, or objects such as commemorative keys.
(5) Other purposes which are deemed by the Mayor to directly relate to the promotion or betterment of the city.
(C) No expenses shall be allowed from this Fund without prior authorization and approval of the Mayor. Claims for expenses under this section will be allowed as prescribed by law.
(Ord. 82-10, passed 7-19-82)
(A) There is hereby established an account to be designated as the Law Enforcement Aid Fund for the purposes and uses and subject to the procedures set forth herein.
(B) There is hereby appropriated from the General Fund the sum of $1,000 to the Law Enforcement Aid Fund. Further appropriations may be made from time to time in the manner prescribed by law.
(C) Donations may be accepted and receipted into the fund and distributed according to the procedures outlined herein.
(D) The fund shall be administered in accordance with the Petty Cash Fund procedures set forth in IC 36-1-8-3 in addition to the other procedures which are specifically enumerated below.
(E) The Law Enforcement Aid Fund shall be used for expenditures for narcotics, dangerous drugs, evidence of illegal drug usage, or to obtain information concerning illegal use of controlled substances in the lawful pursuit of a criminal investigation.
(F) Monies in the Law Enforcement Aid Fund shall be kept in the form of cash or deposited in a checking account in a place and manner as directed by the Mayor.
(G) Withdrawals from the Fund shall be made only by the Detective Sergeant of the City Police Department, with prior approval of the Chief of Police and the Mayor. The Mayor and the Chief of Police shall grant their approval for the use of these funds only for the specific purposes enumerated in division (E) above. Monies withdrawn from this account must be used in accordance with the specific purposes outlined by the Mayor and the Chief of Police in their approval.
(H) The Detective Sergeant of the Police Department shall execute a receipt for any monies he obtains from the Law Enforcement Aid Fund using a receipt form similar in nature to that which is attached to Ord. 89-2, passed 2-27-89, and which is adopted by reference herein. The Detective Sergeant of the Police Department shall deliver the original receipt to the Mayor and shall retain a copy of the same for his records.
(I) The Detective Sergeant of the Police Department shall complete a report of requests for funds from the Law Enforcement Aid Fund and a report of expenditures for all monies used from the Fund on a form similar in nature to that which is attached to Ord. 89-2, passed 2-27-89, and which is adopted by reference herein. The request portion of this form shall be executed prior to the receipt of the monies from the Fund. The report shall be completed at such time as the funds are no longer needed for the requested use but no later than 180 days from the original request. The original report shall be furnished to the Mayor. Copies shall be kept by the Detective Sergeant and Chief of Police.
(J) The Detective Sergeant shall issue a receipt to the person or entity who returned the funds. The original receipt shall be delivered to the person or entity who returned the funds, a copy shall be retained by the Detective Sergeant, and copies shall be furnished to the Mayor and the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 89-2, passed 2-27-89; Am. Ord. 95-5, passed 8-28-95; Am. Ord. 2004-16, passed 11-22-04)
(A) The amount of $118,696.61 shall be transferred from the LOIT Special Distribution Fund of the city to the Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund to be used as matching funds for the Community Crossings Matching Grant as administered by INDOT.
(B) The amount of $35,180.02 shall be transferred from the Rainy Day Fund of the city to the Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund to be used as matching funds for the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program as administered by INDOT.
(Ord. 2017-04, passed 7-10-17)