(A)   Fee schedule:
      (1)   Instruction: Certificate Level EMS and Fire Courses:
         (a)   In facility: $30.00 per hour x total course hours/number of students (up to ten) = student cost.
         (b)   Other location: $35.00 per hour x total course hours/number of students (up to ten) = student cost.
      (2)   Instruction: CPR and First Aid Courses:
         (a)   In facility: $20.00 per hour x total course hours/ number of students (up to ten) = student cost.
         (b)   Other location: $25.00 per hour x total course hours/number of students (up to ten) = student cost.
      (3)   Books: Actual cost rounded up to the nearest $25.00.
      (4)   Lab: $50.00 per student (if applicable).
   (B)   Fee payment policy:
      (1)   Fifty percent of fee shall be due with course registration. Balance shall be due 30 days after the class start date or prior to final exam, whichever comes first.
      (2)   A full refund will be issued if withdrawal is prior to start date. No refund will be issued for withdrawal after start date. Exceptions may be made with approval of Fire Chief and City Council.
(Ord. 2010-06, passed 4-26-10)