Res. 92-R-3 | 5-11-92 | Police Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Union City, Indiana, and the Village of Union City, Ohio |
2007-02 | 3-26-07 | Intergovernmental agreement between the Village of Union City, Ohio and the city concerning the provision of municipal utilities to include water, waste water, and the collection of solid waste |
2007-12 | 10-8-07 | Authorizing the acceptance of utility bill payments via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. |
2009-01 | 2-26-09 | Entering an agreement to establish a fire protection territory with Jackson Township, Wayne Township and White River Township. |
2014-01 | 6-9-14 | Authorizing the purchase of a crime insurance policy endorsed to include faithful performance of all appointed officers and city employees. |
Res. 2016-R-07 | 10-24-16 | Approving an economic development agreement (Backstay Lofts Project). |
Res. 2017-R-12 | 4-24-17 | Resolution of participation in the Indiana Multi-City Housing Partnership by the city. |
Res. 2017-R-18 | 8-28-17 | Adopting the Randolph County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. |
Res. 2021-R10 | 10-25-21 | Approving amendment to the Declaratory Resolution and Economic Development Plan for the Union City Economic Development Area. |
Res. 2022-R-02 | 2-28-22 | Approving amendment to the Declaratory Resolution and Plan of the Redevelopment Commission regarding enlarged economic development area and residential housing program. |
Res. 2022-R-06 | 4-25-22 | Approving a lease between Redevelopment Authority and Redevelopment Commission for payment of interest and principal on lease rental revenue bonds. |
Res. 2023-R5 | 5-22-23 | Electing to join PERF as administered by IPRS. |
2023-08 | 5-22-23 | Authorizing and approving a pilot agreement for the Backstay Lofts Apartments Project. |