(A)   Any account more than 90 days past due is eligible to be written off as uncollectible.
   (B)   Water accounts 90 days past due may be referred to a collection agency. Sewage accounts 90 days past due are eligible for either lien proceedings or referral to a collection agency, depending on ownership.
   (C)   General, water and sewage accounts discharged in bankruptcy shall be written off as uncollectible.
   (D)   Accounts with either a positive or negative balance of $3 or less may be written off without further action.
   (E)   No attempt may be made to collect a balance due of $3 or less; nor may there be an attempt to refund or reimburse a credit balance of $3 or less.
   (F)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare a list of bad debts and uncollectible accounts receivable for general, water and sewage for presentation to the Council.
   (G)   After the Council approves the write-offs for the bad debts and uncollectible accounts receivable, the Clerk-Treasurer shall make adjustments to any general, water or sewage accounts affected by the bad debts and uncollectible accounts receivable.
(Ord. 2008-06, passed 7-17-08)