(A)   The Board of Public Works and Safety is designated as the Purchasing Agency for the city for purchases of any goods, services or equipment under $10,000 in price. The Council is designated as the Purchasing Agency for any purchase of goods, services or equipment costing $10,000 or more.
   (B)   The Purchasing Agency shall have all of the powers and duties authorized under IC 5-22-1-1 et seq., as may be amended from time to time or supplemented by ordinance adopted by the Common Council.
   (C)   The Purchasing Agency shall act as the purchasing agency for every agency, board, office, branch, bureau, commission, council, department, or other establishment of the city.
   (D)   The Purchasing Agency may designate, in writing, any employee of the city as a Deputy Purchasing Agent.
(Ord. 98-11, passed 9-14-98)