§ 51.59 DUMP FEES.
   (A)   (1)   The following shall be the city dump fees:
Commercial and Industrial
Commercial and Industrial
1 - 500
501 - 1,000
1,001 - 1,500
1,501 - 2,000
2,001 - 2,500
2,501 - 3,000
3,001 - 3,500
3,501 - 4,000
4,001 - 4,500
4,501 - 5,000
Every 500 gallons above 5,000 will be additional
      (2)   All travel trailers and trucks shall be charged a fee of $15.
      (3)   If a person resides within city limits and pays a sewage bill, there will be no charge for their travel trailers or trucks.
   (B)   (1)   The following shall be the portable toilet dump fees:
Portable Toilet Dump Fee
1 - 150
151 - 300
301 - 500
      (2)   All persons or entities that dump shall be required to purchase a dump permit which yearly fee shall be $100.
(Ord. 2021-16, passed 11-8-21)