(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any real estate premises (“title”) to sell or transfer a property without having obtained a pre-sale exterior inspection of it under this chapter. This inspection will enable the code official to work toward accomplishing the purposes of this chapter by listing any repairs or other work necessary to eliminate any unsafe or hazardous conditions, to comply with applicable requirements of the Fire Code, Zoning Code, Property Maintenance Code and other ordinances of the City of Union, and also to correct any unlawful nuisance conditions in the form of violations of this Property Maintenance Code. Such inspection and list shall be part of the process of issuing the required certificate of occupancy. No person shall sell or receive a commission or fee from the sale of any real property in this City without a valid Certificate issued hereunder.
(b) Application for a pre-sale inspection shall be made on such forms and in such manner as may be prescribed from time to time by the code official.
(c) Result of the inspection to be certificate of occupancy: Within fourteen (14) days after application was made for a pre-sale inspection, the code official shall have completed the inspection, compiled a list of any items to be brought into compliance with this chapter and applicable provisions of the Fire Code, Zoning Code, Property Maintenance Code and other ordinances of the City of Union and shall have issued a certificate of occupancy as described below. This period of time may be extended by the code official if a delay is caused by any matter beyond the reasonable control of the official.
(d) Certificate of Occupancy.
(1) A certificate of occupancy shall be valid for one year after its date or until sixty (60) days after the premises are transferred to a new owner, whichever occurs sooner.
(2) A certificate of occupancy signed by the code official shall be evidence that the premises comply with the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances.
(Ord. 1381. Passed 1-23-06.)