(a)    Purpose. The intent of the C-2 General Commercial District is to designate certain areas for small business and service establishments which shall not create or generate a great amount of traffic flow and noise while retaining the residential appearance and quiet neighborhood atmosphere.
   (b)    Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted as a use-by-right in the C-2 General Commercial District.
      (1)    Art and craft shops providing retail supplies and classroom instruction.
      (2)    Personal service establishment, such as barber shops, beauty shops, shoe repair, radio and television repair shops.
      (3)    Business and professional offices including but not limited to offices of physicians, surgeons, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, insurance and real estate agents and members of similar professions.
      (4)    Gift shops and other similar small retail shops with less than 1,200 square feet of area.
      (5)    Pre-existing residential uses.
   (c)    Minimum Lot Area and Lot Width. There shall be permitted rezoning lots not less than 5,000 square feet in land area. No lot width shall be less than fifty feet.
   (d)    Maximum Building Height. No commercial structure shall exceed two stories, or thirty-five feet in height.
   (e)    Minimum Yard Setbacks.
      (1)    Front. There shall be a minimum depth of ten feet.
      (2)    Side. None required except there shall be a minimum width of twenty feet when adjacent to any "R" District.
      (3)    Rear. There shall be a minimum depth of ten feet, except when adjacent to any "R" District, there shall be a minimum depth of forty feet.
   (f)   Required Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be required in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 1153.01.
(Ord. 582. Passed 12-28-81.)