(a)    The Board of Park Trustees shall have the authority to set admission fees, prices of items sold or furnished, fees and charges in connection with the use and operation of the Union Swimming Pool.
   (b)    The Board of Park Trustees shall have the authority to make such rules and regulations pertaining to the use and operation of the Union Swimming Pool and shall have the authority to delegate to a Pool Manager, Pool Supervisor, Life Guard or designated pool employees the enforcement of such rules and regulations and the collection of admission fees, prices, other fees and charges.
   (c)    Any person who violates any of the rules and regulations or refuses or fails to pay such admission fees, prices, other fees and charges shall be ordered from the premises of the Union Swimming Pool. Any person who is so ordered who fails to leave promptly the premises shall be guilty of violating provisions of this chapter and shall be subject to being punished as provided by Section 951.99.
(Ord. 513. Passed 11-12-79.)