The following schedule is hereby fixed and determined to be the tap-in charges for sewers according to meter size.
Meter Size (inches) Fee 1 $ 1,600 1 ½ 2,100 2 3,000 3 5,000 4 9,500 6 18,000 8 26,000 10 30,000 |
(Ord. 296. Passed 3-13-72; Ord. 997. Passed 9-6-94; Ord. 1099. Passed 6-9-97; Ord. 1250. Passed 2-11-02; Ord. 1545. Passed 9-10-12; Ord. 1588. Passed 2-10-14; Ord. 1740. Passed 4-25-22.)
NOTE: For the Irongate Estates Development, there is an additional $240.50 sewer tap in fee.
(Ord. 1251. Passed 2-11-02.)
For the land east of the Stillwater River, there is an additional $1,250.00 sewer tap in fee.
(Ord. 1371. Passed 12-12-05.)