§ 10.04.090 LIENS.
   (A)   Upon any delinquency, the monthly charges, connect and disconnect fees, other charges, penalties, and interest due and owing under this chapter shall constitute a lien of the city upon the subject property.
   (B)   Upon any delinquency, monthly charges, connect and disconnect fees, other charges, penalties, and interest due and owing under this chapter shall constitute a lien of the city upon the personal property of consumer.
   (C)   A notice of lien for amounts described in this section may be recorded in the office of the district recorder, Aleutian Islands Recording District, Third Judicial District and in the State Recorder's Office UCC Central File System; however failure to so record said interests shall not be construed as a waiver or abrogation of any and all priorities, rights and interests of the city at law and in equity. Upon full satisfaction of payment of all charges, interest, penalties and costs due and owing to the city, the city shall file a certificate discharging the lien.
   (D)   In an action to enforce a lien, the court shall allow as part of the costs all money paid for drawing the lien and for filing and recording the lien claim, and a reasonable attorney fee for the foreclosure of the lien.
(Ord. 2017-10, passed 8-8-17)