(A)   PREFIXES - N, S, W, E, shall be used where appropriate or necessary. Prefixes combining 2 directions shall be avoided, i.e. NW or SE.
   (B)   ORIGIN - The established starting point for the addressing shall be referred to as the Origin and is a reference for all streets and their addresses. The Origin shall be the intersection of Broadway Avenue and 5th Street.
   (C)   ODD/EVEN NUMBERING - Lot on the North and East sides of streets shall be assigned odd numbers. Lots on the South and West sides shall be assigned even numbers.
   (D)   Diagonal Streets - Lots on an apparent NE or SW axis shall be numbered according to their predominant direction from the streets starting point. A perfectly diagonal street shall be arbitrarily assigned even or odd numbering on one side by the Planning Commission. Consistency shall be maintained throughout any street length.