(A) MAJOR BREAK - Any right-of-way, highway, water body or topographical feature that will not allow natural continuation of the roadway.
(B) RIGHT-OF-WAY - Means a land reserved, used, or intended to be used for street, alley, walkway, or other public purposes including utilities.
(C) ROAD, PUBLIC DEDICATED - Any right-of-way for public use dedicated by either plat or document for public use.
(D) ROAD, PRIVATE - Any travelway that has not been dedicated for public use.
(E) STREET - Means a right-of-way which provided for vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting properties.
(1) “Local street” means a street designed to provide traffic access to individual abutting properties;
(2) “Collector street” means a street designed to move traffic from local street to arterial streets;
(3) “Arterial street” means a public right-of-way designed to move traffic between major traffic generators in the city;
(4) “Alley” means a public right-of-way shown on a plat which provides secondary access to a lot, block, or parcel of land;
(5) “Court” means any right-of-way, 600 feet or less that ends in a cul-de-sac or turnaround;
(6) “Cul-de-sac” means a local street of short length having only one outlet with provision for a turnaround at its termination;
(7) “Loop” means a right-of-way that branches off of a point and then returns to it.