§ 13.20.040 EXCEPTIONS.
   This chapter does not apply to a minor who:
   (A)   Is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or custodian;
   (B)   Is accompanied by an adult specified by a parent, guardian, or custodian;
   (C)   Is carrying out an errand or other lawful activity as directed by a parent, guardian, or custodian;
   (D)   Is occupying the sidewalk of the place where the minor resides, or the sidewalk of a place where the minor has permission from his or her parent or guardian to be, or the sidewalk of a next-door neighbor not communicating an objection to a police officer;
   (E)   Is participating in, going to, or returning from: lawful employment; a lawful athletic, educational, entertainment, religious, or social event; or interstate travel; or
   (F)   Has had the disabilities of minority removed for general purposes under AS 09.55.590 and who has arrived at the age of majority under AS 25.20.020.