§ 6.36.200 EXPIRATION.
   (A)   At least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the redemption period the City Clerk or designee shall publish a redemption period expiration notice. The notice shall contain the date of judgment, the date of expiration of the period of redemption and a warning to the effect that all properties ordered sold under the judgment, unless redeemed, shall be deeded to the City immediately on expiration of the period of redemption and that every right or interest of any person in the properties will be forfeited forever to the City. The notice is published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation distributed within the City. If there is no newspaper of general circulation distributed within the City, the notice is posted in three (3) public places for at least four (4) consecutive weeks. The Clerk or designee shall send a copy of the published notice by certified mail to each record owner of property against whom a judgment of foreclosure has been taken and, if the assessed value of the property is more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), to all holders of mortgages or other liens of record on the property. The notice shall be mailed within five (5) days after the first publication. The mailing shall be sufficient if mailed to the property owner and to the holder of a mortgage or recorded lien at the last address of record. The right of redemption shall expire thirty (30) days after the date of the first notice publication.
   (B)   Cost incurred in the determination of holders of mortgages and other liens of record and costs of notice publication incurred by the City under (A) of this section are a lien on the property and may be recovered by the City.
(Am. Ord. No. 2003-05, passed 5-6-03)