(A)   Immediately after the polls close and the last vote has been cast, the election judges will end voting on the optical scan voting unit and print the election results. The election judges will then open the optical scan voting unit containing the regular ballots cast. The judges will count the ballots to determine whether the number of ballots equals the number of voters on the election results report and also equals the number of signatures on the voter register. The number of regular ballots cast, plus the number of questioned ballots, personal representative ballots, and spoiled ballots must equal the total number of ballots used from the ballot pads. If the numbers do not match, the election judges shall recount the ballots and signatures until the numbers match or it is determined that a discrepancy exists. Any discrepancy shall be explained in detail, in writing, and shall be signed by the election judges.
   (B)   The counting of the ballots shall be public. The opening of the optical scan voting unit at the close of the polls shall be accomplished in full view of any persons present. The public may not be excluded from the area in which the ballots are counted. However, the chairman of the Election Board shall not permit anyone present to interfere in any way or to distract the appointed officials from their duties and no one other than appointed election officials may handle the ballots. The election judges, optical scan voting unit, or a combination thereof, shall count the ballots one by one, and tally the number of votes for each candidate and for or against each issue.
   (C)   The election judges shall cause the vote tally to be continued without adjournment until the count is completed.
   (D)   If circumstances make it impracticable to use the optical scan voting unit, the votes shall be tallied by person according to the procedures set forth by the state for hand count precincts.
(Ord. No. 2001-06, passed 5-22-01; Am. Ord. 2017-08, passed 6-27-17)