The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City. The City Manager shall:
   (A)   Appoint, suspend, or remove City employees and administrative officers except as provided otherwise in this Code and AS 14.14.065;
   (B)   Supervise the enforcement of City law and carry out the directives of the governing body;
   (C)   Prepare and submit the annual budget and capital improvement program for consideration by the City Council;
   (D)   Execute the budget and capital programs adopted by the City Council;
   (E)   Make monthly financial reports on City finances and operations as required by the City Council;
   (F)   Report to the City Council at the end of each fiscal year on the finances and administrative activities of the City;
   (G)   Prepare and make available for public distribution an annual report on City affairs;
   (H)   Serve as or appoint a City personnel officer;
   (I)   Exercise custody over all real and personal property of the City, except property of the school district;
   (J)   Direct and supervise the construction, maintenance, and operation of City public works;
   (K)   Make such recommendations to the City Council as they deem expedient or necessary;
   (L)   Assign additional functions or duties to offices, departments or agencies established by ordinance and may likewise transfer functions or duties from one such office, department or agency to another; and
   (M)    Administer and manage the public utilities and such other City services, by means of such officers and employees as the Manager shall appoint.
(Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)