(A) The following shall be the order of business at the regular meetings of the City Council:
(1) Call to order;
(2) Roll call;
(3) Pledge of allegiance;
(4) Recognition of visitors;
(5) Minutes of previous meetings;
(6) Reports;
(7) Awards/presentations;
(8) Adoption of agenda;
(9) Community input/announcements;
(10) Public testimony on agenda Items;
(11) Public hearings;
(12) Consent agenda;
(13) Regular agenda;
(14) Community input/announcements; and
(15) Adjournment.
(B) A period for public testimony for each agenda item shall occur during the City Council's discussion of the item. Members of the audience wishing to testify on an agenda item during a regular meeting must notify the City Clerk. During a work session, members of the audience wishing to testify may raise their hand and be recognized by the Mayor.
(C) Discussion and/or action by the City Council during the course of the meeting shall be undisturbed by members of the audience unless requested to speak by the Mayor.
(Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)