(A) Formal acts by the City Council, not required by law to be enacted by ordinance and not being acts of a general and permanent nature, may be adopted by resolution or motion. A resolution shall be in substantially the following form:
(1) HEADING. The proposed resolution shall have a heading identifying the City and a resolution number.
(2) TITLE. A short summary of the resolution shall be included in a title at the head of the resolution.
(3) CLAUSES. Short "whereas" clauses descriptive of the reasons for the resolution may be included where deemed desirable.
(4) RESOLVE. There shall be a resolving clause reading "Be it Resolved:" and this clause shall include the substantive part of the resolution.
(5) SIGNATURE. An appropriate place shall be provided for the signature of the Mayor.
(6) ATTESTATION. The resolution and passage date of the resolution shall be attested by the City Clerk.
(B) All resolutions adopted by the City Council, whether presented by third parties or on the motion of the City Council, shall conform to the requirements set forth in this section.
(C) Resolutions shall not be included in the Code, but the City Council shall provide for the maintenance of a permanent file of resolutions it has adopted.
(Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 2-10-04)