(A)   To meet a public emergency the City Council may adopt an emergency ordinance effective on adoption. Each emergency ordinance shall contain a finding by the City Council that an emergency exists and a statement of facts upon which the finding is based. The ordinance may be adopted, amended and adopted, or rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced. The affirmative vote of three-fourths of the total membership of the City Council, or the affirmative vote of all the members present, whichever is less, is required for adoption of an emergency ordinance. The City Council shall print and make available copies of the emergency ordinance.
   (B)   An emergency ordinance may not be used to levy taxes, to grant, renew or extend a franchise, or to regulate the rate charged by a public utility for its services.
   (C)   An emergency ordinance is effective for sixty (60) days, or until the City Council determines by resolution that the emergency no longer exists, whichever is less.
(Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 2-10-04)