No plat for a subdivision or partition may be considered for approval until the city has approved a tentative plan. Approval of the tentative plan shall be binding upon the city and the applicant for the purposes of preparing the subdivision or partition plat. In each case, the applicant bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that the proposal satisfies applicable criteria and standards.
   A.   Approval Criteria: Land division tentative plans shall only be approved if found to comply with the following criteria:
      1.   The proposal shall comply with the city's comprehensive plan.
      2.   The proposal shall comply with the I-82/U.S. 730 interchange area management plan (IAMP) and the access management plan in the IAMP (section 7) as applicable.
      3.   The proposal shall comply with the city's zoning requirements.
      4.   The proposal shall comply with the city's public works standards.
      5.   The proposal shall comply with applicable state and federal regulations, including, but not limited to, Oregon Revised Statutes 92, 197, 227, and wetland regulations.
      6.   The proposal shall conserve inventoried natural resource areas and floodplains, including, but not limited to, mapped rivers, creeks, sloughs, and wetlands.
      7.   The proposal shall minimize disruption of natural features of the site, including steep slopes or other features, while providing for safe and efficient vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle access.
      8.   The proposal shall provide adjacent lands with access to public facilities and streets to allow its full development as allowed by the city's codes and requirements.
      9.   The proposal shall be designed with streets that continue or connect to existing and planned land division plats on adjoining properties. All proposed streets shall comply with standards of this title and the public works standards.
      10.   The city's decision on a land division application shall include written findings for each required dedication or improvement that identify the legitimate governmental purpose, the relationship between the purpose and the exaction, and the rough proportionality in nature and extent, between the requirement and the projected impacts of the proposed development. (Ord. 766, 12-6-2011)
   B.   City Action Noted: The action of the city approval authority shall be conveyed to the applicant by a notice of decision. (Ord. 673, 6-16-1998)